SEA , SUN and FUN 

For Europeans ,the expression “Summer holidays” is synonymous with the beach and as the Summer holiday time begins they start getting ready to discover the pleasures of the seaside . Well, this Summer we suggest Limassol in Cyprus  where one can enjoy learning English  with leisure . Cyprus in general and mainly Limassol  are  the

Cambridge English 2018

Exam Update The Cambridge English: Young Learners Exams, Pre A1 Starters,A1 Movers & A2 Flyers are fun, colourful ,activity based and  motivating  children to Learn by Doing. The same methodology  is used by Superminds ( English Learning for Kids ages 3-4 & 5-6 in Limassol Cyprus at Plato Educational Services. As part of the


“The age of online learning is well on the way and has tripled since 2014.This growth curve has been helped along by the fact that some of the world’s leading universities are rapidly expanding their on line offerings. The increasing participation of these elite education brands ,global adoption of mobile technologies, improving tools and

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