Children at workIn Groups & Individually
Latest technology in English Learning
Adult Education
English, Russian, Chinese, GreekTEFL
Creative Writing, Computers & Examinations
EU Programmes
Transfer of InnovationMobility Programmes
Plato Institute Premises and Residence
“The purpose of Education is to replace an empty mind with an open one”
Malcolm Forbes
PLATO was founded in 1972 and is the first private English language Institute in Cyprus offering English language courses for kids and teens.
PLATO Educational services have been educating children, teenagers and adults for more than 50 years, offering a variety of courses (Languages (English,Greek,Spanish), Accounting, Economics, IT, Creative Writing , English Literature, IELTS and TEFL). For the last 15 years, PLATO has given great emphasis to vocational and professional training ( English/Greek/Russian/ for Business, Tourism, Food and Beverage, Oil and Gas etc.) as well as to various European programmes (Eramus+ – Mobility Programmes, Transfer of Innovation, Partnerships).
Latest News
How to raise bilingual kids
The many cognitive, academic and social benefits of learning foreign languages have encouraged parents around the world to raise bilingual children.
Adult Learning and Education
Adults, unlike children, return to school when changes in their way of life require it. A promotion, the need to have
Teaching English Abroad
The benefits of teaching abroad are numerous and often very personal, you get the opportunity to immerse yourselves in different cultures,